Does electrolyte water make a difference?
First, let’s get the facts straight.
- Drinking water is essential for hydration and overall health
- Drinking water is absolutely necessary for regulating body temperature and removing waste and toxins from our body
- Regular water contains electrolytes (bottled or tap)water contains electrolytes.
- Electrolyte water has been enhanced with more electrolytes.
- Common electrolytes are sodium, potassium, magnesium, chloride, and calcium
Great, what does this mean?
It’s safe to say that electrolyte water seems to be superior to regular water. In reality, it depends on the circumstances.
What are those circumstances?
- You’re exercising for more than one hour.
- You sweat heavily during exercise.
- You’re ill. This could be vomiting, diarrhea.
- You will be exposed to heat for longer periods.
*Bonus: You don’t like the taste or regular water, but enjoy electrolyte water
Christian’s Opinion of Electrolyte Water
Electrolyte water does serve an important purpose. When playing sports, you’re in hot weather for a long period of time (30 mins or more), when facing illness (or cough..hangover..cough), or mild dehydration (haven’t drank water in about 4-5 hours).
Bottom line: Regular water works just fine to meet your day-to-day hydration needs. Electrolyte water does serve an important purpose, but is not absolutely necessary.