Do the stuff that you know you should do.

That’s it.

You know what’s healthy. You know what isn’t healthy.

You know what makes you happy. You know what doesn’t make you happy.

You know the answers.

Take care of your body. Take care of your mind, your stress, your emotions.

There isn’t a secret or ‘life hack’ that can shortcut our way to happiness. We have to find it within ourselves to embrace who we are and what makes us unique. Treasure your flaws and exploit your talents. No person, pill, or superficial items can create true sustainable joy that we can create by being our best self.

If you’re overwhelmed and don’t know where to begin, here are three simple steps to kickstart your momentum.

  1. Put healthy food in your body. Eat vegetables, good fats, and lean /clean proteins. Drink plenty of water. Get out and exercise. Move around. Pray. Meditate. Spend time in nature.
  2. Treat people around you with love and kindness: Open doors for people. Look people in the eye and say hi. Tip well when your server does a great job.
  3. Do what YOU want to do with your life.

Here’s one way you never better yourself: When you come up with excuses for why other people have a better life than you.

This is dangerous. It gives us an escape for why we aren’t living the life we want to live.

One of the reasons I think I’m good at friendships and connecting with new people is because I failed miserably. I totally screwed up relationships in the past.

One of the reasons I wake up at 4:25am and workout daily is because I know too well the shame that comes with being a lazy couch potato bum.

There are times when you have to pull yourself up and push forward even if you want to stay in bed.

I was very lucky in that my mom and dad we’re loving, supportive, happy, HARD working and role models for me. There was never any hate or resentment towards other people’s success. I understand this was a major advantage for me growing up.

Today, I know they couldn’t care less if I wake up at 4:25am or noon. I do what I do because I am pursuing my purpose in life. There is no better feeling than falling asleep completely fulfilled with your day.

Difficult moments are opportunities to build character. Hard times make us human. Cheers to being human. Have an amazing weekend!!