This stressful reality is insane. Who is going to take care of you? Will this ruthless cycle ever come to an end?
My answer to you is yes. Make that an emphatic YES!
Many of us run around in what I like to call ‘chase’ mode. When we are in ‘chase’ mode we are pursuing something that we will never catch. We desire a state of mind. A place where we find peace, love, and happiness. This state cannot be attained when we are in ‘chase’ mode.
You may ask, “How do one find this utopian state?” It cannot be purchased or given. A peace of mind is found when we allow ourselves to draw upon four sources of energy: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Lucky for us we can address each form of energy through walking. The hardest part is making the decision to get started.
The power of purposeful walking and it’s impact on your life are found in each of these 5 reasons. Enjoy 🙂
- Walking is the BEST form of physical activity.“There is no better exercise than walking,” Â Â according to celebrity trainer Harley Pasternak (clients include: Behati Prinsloo, Amanda Seyfried, and Ariana Grande). The reason being is it can be done anywhere without any equipment at zero cost. There are numerous health benefits including better quality of life (ie you lower your risk of numerous types of cancer). All you have to do is get out and do it!
- Walking makes you feel BETTER.Is it the fresh air? Is it simply getting up a moving? Or is it the camaraderie found walking with a friend? The right answer is for you to decide. What we know for sure is that walking produces endorphins. These amazing mood-boosting, pain killing chemicals are released by our brain when we do any form of exercise. It’s so cool how we can generate happiness by the simple act of walking!
“fat-loss inducing mindset”
- Walking makes you vulnerable.When we decide to go for a walk, we are accessing an incredible gift of free-will. Pushing yourself to go for that walk, especially when you do not ‘feel’ like it is insanely powerful. You are placing yourself in a mind-set that is quite the vulnerable state. Your mind is telling the body, “You are important.” This means our self-deprecating thoughts (ie. ‘I’m fat’, ‘I’m not good enough’, ‘I’m lazy’) shift to a positive, fat-loss inducing, mindset (ie. ‘I can’, ‘It is possible’, ‘I deserve’). This positive mindset is  BEYOND reason when consistently applied to your everyday life.
- Walking stops the body from holding onto fat.Walking is not only a slow and steady means to burn calories. It provides an outlet for you to think. Let your mind wander. You’ll be amazed by what the mind is capable of coming up with when endorphins are released. As we discussed, endorphins produce mood-boosting chemicals. This is important because too much stress or revolving pattern of excess stress can lead to inflammation. Chronic inflammation goes hand-in-hand with belly fat. When we’re stressed out our cortisol and insulin levels rise. Why is this important? I’m glad you asked!
Hundreds and thousands of years ago people’s would stress out when there was a famine or a limited supply of food. Their bodies responded by holding onto fat. This is because when in ‘starvation-mode’ the body utilizes fat as a fuel source before resorting to eating away at muscle. This function of the body was absolutely vital in preventing people from dying rather quickly once the food supply ran low. Today, we are programmed the same way as people were hundreds and thousands of years ago. When we stress out over deadlines, relationships, or bills our body thinks a famine is about to occur. The body responds by burning fat SLOWLY as a fuel source. This adds tremendous value to any activity that leads to stress relief, such as… WALKING!
“…there’s NO reason for you to hurt at all.”
- Walking gives YOU strength to overcome the self-sabotaging demons.If your goal is to burn body fat, but you don’t know where to begin you are not alone. Why are so many people buried alive in debt, overweight, addicted, or medicated. Every crises we face right now is about our inability and/or unwillingness to deal with pain. Look at the opioid addiction. Somewhere, beginning with physicians, sent the message that there is no reason for you to hurt at all. Feeling bad? Here’s a pain reliever. Things aren’t going well in your life? Here’s a way to discharge hate and pain. Turn to drinking, sex, or overindulge in unhealthy foods to mask temporary pain that eventually will subside. YOU are strong. I believe that YOU know better days lie ahead. Sometimes all it takes to create positive momentum indestructible purpose is an easy-breezy walk