Alarm goes off.

Ugh. Snooze

Alarm goes off again.

ā€œIā€™m soo tiiiiired!ā€ Snooze.

Alarm goes of third, fourth, and fifth time. Snooze.

Can you relate? You’re not alone. Hitting snooze feels phenomenal. It’s sense of relief. It’s a beautiful form of procrastination. Who doesn’t enjoy justifying putting off the inevitable?

In this article I’m going to give you three reasons why not hitting snooze is the best decision you’ll make all day.

1. You’ll have more energy

Hitting snooze make us tired. The reason being it takes A LOT of energy for our bodies to fall back asleep. By constantly hitting snooze, we’re in a cycle of draining our mental and physical energy.

View hitting snooze as driving in city vs. driving on the highway. All the stopping (alarm waking us up) and going (falling back asleep) takes quite a bit of gas from the car. Unfortunately, we’re hitting a bunch of red lights (alarm), speeding up (falling asleep) along with immediate stops. Stopping requires a ton of energy too. The starting and stopping totally drains the vehicle of gas.

By waking up and falling asleep we are completely draining ourselves of precious energy.

Waking up after the first alarm preserves energy that we can use throughout the day.

2. It’s an immediate win

Start your day doing something right. This has a major psychological impact on how we operate in day to day activities. With confidence high from the get go, you will be the best version of yourself.

Start your day with a victory.

3. Excuses are eliminated

Forgo the excuse to hit snooze. You’ll find yourself honoring the commitments you’ve made that day to yourself and others. You’ll take on whatever the jaws of life have for you.

Honor taking care of yourself and those around you.

***Bonus: Wake up after first alarm and don’t use smartphone for at least an hour

This is my routine. The smartphone is inherently an amazing device. However, how we use it matters. Are we controlling our usage of it or are we allowing our phones to control us.

A great way to avoid technology from sneakily changing the way we view ourselves and the world is to start our day completely free of it.

Give it a go for a week. See how you feel. Set the alarm the night before. Honor your wake up time.