How many times have you agreed to do something only to have forgotten it at the end of the day or week? You are not alone!
If you say that you are going to do something, then it should be done and when someone tells you they are going to do something, you expect the same. A simple exchange, but one that can be very hard at the same time.
It’s a simple practice. If you say you’re going to do something, DO IT. Follow through. You can tell a lot about someone just by the way they apply or do not apply this principle to their life.
How do we do this?
By listening and responding with 100% authenticity. Are you capable of completing this task? If an opinion is needed, are you sharing your true belief or simply sharing what you think they want to hear?
You know what I think is equally as important as following through? Saying ‘no’ to requests.
It is perfectly fine to say ‘no’. Practice saying ‘no’, as much as you push yourself to say yes. You are your own person. I I’m conflicted on a decision I like to ask myself “Is this something that fits into my priorities in life?” If not then I don’t do it, if yes, I absolutely do it.
By saying ‘no’ from time to time, we are reassuring that when we do say ‘yes’ it has great purpose.