Starting February 12th, the Monday after the Super Bowl, as a group we are tracking three things:
- What and how much we eat.
- How much we move, à la counting steps.
- How much we weigh.
Tracking begins Monday, February 12th and will continue through Sunday, March 10th.
This is an 4 week challenge. What do you need to know about the challenge?
- Accountability
- You will be held accountable for sharing what you eat and drink each day.
- Raise awareness
- Heighten your awareness of what you eat and drink.
- Learn the value food logging. This will help you understand what you eat and what tweaks can be made.
- Break bad habits.
How to Track Food
Keep track of calories by:
- Using an app
- MyFitnessPal is great
- Typing on computer, smartphone, or tablet
- Writing down on paper
- Daily: take a snapshot of your food log each day and text said log to Christian.
- picture
- screenshot
- Weekly: submit step count snapshot to the group on WhatsApp called “Christian’s 2024 Winter Fitness Tracking Challenge”
- using WhatsApp app on our phone’s
- a link to our private group has been provided
- Daily: record your weight daily to see how it goes up and down. Ultimately after four weeks, it will go in the direction you want.
Frequently Asked Questions
- WhatsApp is not working. What do I do?
- Text Christian a picture of your food log
- How do I use WhatsApp?
- Download the app to your phone
- I will provide our private group link
- If further issues arise, contact me.