Starting February 12th, the Monday after the Super Bowl, as a group we are tracking three things:

  1. What and how much we eat.
  2. How much we move, à la counting steps.
  3. How much we weigh.

Tracking begins Monday, February 12th and will continue through Sunday, March 10th.

This is an 4 week challenge. What do you need to know about the challenge?


  1. Accountability
    • You will be held accountable for sharing what you eat and drink each day.
  2. Raise awareness
    • Heighten your awareness of what you eat and drink.
  3. Learn the value food logging. This will help you understand what you eat and what tweaks can be made.
  4. Break bad habits.

How to Track Food

Keep track of calories by:

  1. Using an app
  2. Typing on computer, smartphone, or tablet
  3. Writing down on paper


  1. Daily: take a snapshot of your food log each day and text said log to Christian.
    • picture
    • screenshot
  2. Weekly: submit step count snapshot to the group on WhatsApp called “Christian’s 2024 Winter Fitness Tracking Challenge”
    • using WhatsApp app on our phone’s
    • a link to our private group has been provided
  3. Daily: record your weight daily to see how it goes up and down. Ultimately after four weeks, it will go in the direction you want.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. WhatsApp is not working. What do I do?
    • Text Christian a picture of your food log
  2. How do I use WhatsApp?
    • Download the app to your phone
    • I will provide our private group link
    • If further issues arise, contact me.