This goes along with my first element to happiness, ‘Treat Negative Influences Like the Plague’. We are the company we keep. I’m sure you have heard a phrase similar to, “you are the combination of the five people you spend the most time with.” It’s a compelling quote, but i believe we are strongly influenced by far more than five people.

Think about the shows you watch, the music you listen to, books you read. Everything we consistently consume has a profound impact on our mind, our emotions. When you surround yourself with positivity such as eating healthy food, exercising, taking time to meditate or pray, or spending time with a good friend you are improving your life.

I encourage you this weekend to take quiet time to identify what the positive influences are in your life. Write down who or what makes you a better person. It’s a simple exercise, but it’s the simple things in life that bring us true unconditional happiness.