

Key to Happiness #3: Unwavering Faith

What is Faith? My personal definition is, “believing something exists or will happen before it actually does. Belief in the unseen. To me, Unwavering Faith means you are able to focus on your priorities through the emotional roller coaster of life. How do I keep...

Cured Meats Are Causing Cancer?

Cured Meats Are Causing Cancer?

My client Bill shared this fascinating article from the New York Times. Apparently consuming a “small amounts of processed meat increases the risk of colorectal cancer.” Colorectal cancer is cancer of the large intestine (colon). Here are my important bullet points:...

My 5th Key to Happiness

My 5th Key to Happiness

#5: Having Something to Look Forward To The power of anticipation. It truly is remarkable. You could be having a rough week, but if you have fun weekend plans you can power through the drudgery. Having something to look forward to gives me energy. It makes tedious...

Stretches and Exercises for Tight Calf Muscles

Stretches and Exercises for Tight Calf Muscles

Tight calves are generally a raise no major concern. They will become annoying and potentially lead to more tedious chronic pain. Nothing serious, but certainly unwelcomed discomfort. When this happens what can you do? Well, first let’s dive into the ‘why’ of this...

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