by Christian Bossert | Jan 25, 2023 | Exercise, General Health, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Booze can knock you out, but it can distort the quality of your sleep. Why is this? First, let’s quickly review your sleep cycle, in order: Awake Time-Time in bed before and after falling asleep-Includes brief awakenings during sleep. Light Sleep-responsible for...
by Christian Bossert | Dec 9, 2022 | Exercise, General Health, Nutrition, Uncategorized, Weight Loss
by Christian Bossert Perspective is everything. When you break apart something, or look at it from a new angle, it loses power over you. Let’s use weight loss as an example. What comes to mind when you think about weight loss? Think about it. What thoughts cross...
by Erica Bossert | Sep 17, 2020 | Exercise, General Health, Weight Loss
Ladies, this one’s for you! Think about the fitness goals you have for yourself. Maybe you want to burn 5% body fat or, perhaps, you have always wanted a ‘pilates’ butt. What would you say if I told you that you could achieve both by lifting HEAVY weights? You...
by Christian Bossert | Sep 16, 2020 | Exercise, General Health
Alarm goes off. Ugh. Snooze Alarm goes off again. “I’m soo tiiiiired!” Snooze. Alarm goes of third, fourth, and fifth time. Snooze. Can you relate? You’re not alone. Hitting snooze feels phenomenal. It’s sense of relief. It’s a beautiful form of...
by Christian Bossert | Sep 4, 2020 | Exercise, Weight Loss
Have you ever heard the the children’s fable about the fox who tries to snack on the grapes (click here to read it)? It’s a precautionary tale about belittling something because it is out of our reach. The fox sees tasty grapes on a tree branch. The fox...
by Christian Bossert | Sep 3, 2020 | Exercise, General Health, Nutrition, Weight Loss
It’s a lock. A question at least one person will ask. I may be at a party, random event, or a family gathering. Someone will inevitably ask, “Is it better to do cardio or strength training?” This is an excellent question. Know why? They are trying to learn. They want...
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